Devine Celebrates 100 Years, Vellutini at the Helm
This beautiful smiling face belongs to a woman possessed with boundless, optimistic energy!
Karen Vellutini is our featured profile on the cover of our newest edition of CTA’s statewide magazine, Caltrux!
Vellutini has been with Devine Intermodal more than 20 years now and in her current role as president since 2021. As Devine celebrates its 100th year in operation, Vellutini is looking ahead to what the next 20 years will bring.
Stay tuned as we prepare to distribute more than 10,000 Transportation leaders throughout California and beyond! And, as always, check back here for the digital link in the coming days.
#mpg #lovewhatyoudo #sharingyourstories #truckingmovesamericaforward #californiatrucking #devineintermodal