Christenson Transportation’s Father & Son Team

Wowza! Tennessee Trucking Association’s newest edition of Tennessee Trucking News is a real whopper! It’s jam-packed with fantastic editorial content! Our cover story features the father and son leadership team that is Christenson Transportation Inc. Then there’s the hot story of TTA fighting back on your behalf against unfair practices of predatory towing in a court of law. Enough is enough! Add to that Tennessee’s responses to ATRI’s critical issues survey and you’ll find out what’s most important to trucking leaders there. Plus: See what the Road Team has been up to as they spread the good news of trucking throughout Tennessee.

We’ve got it all and much more — and we love telling your stories!

Stay tuned for the printed edition to hit the desks of more than 8,000 readers across Tennessee in the coming days, and check back here for the digital link in a week or so.

3500 Vicksburg Lane North, Suite 400-337, Minneapolis, MN 55447 501.907.6776