MPG Blogs

Read through the latest blogs, thoughts, news, announcements and publications that are posted by our staff on a regular basis and keep up with the latest updates.

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Tarheel Wheels Issue 3, 2023

Mailing to more than 8,000 leaders in transportation this week, this edition of Tarheel Wheels is packed with business, political, and regulatory analysis plus N.C. Trucking’s best of the best: NCTA’s Fleet Safety Awards recipients. If you’re like most in

Behind the Wheel Q4 Winter 2023

Everyone’s talking about ZEVs, new rules and regs coming out of California, and how trucking leaders in their home state are going to meet, beat or change them. Maryland Motor Truck Association takes on the discussion in their newest edition

Caltrux Profiles Leaders of Legendary PrePass Organization

Check out this hot new edition of California Trucking Association’s stellar statewide magazine, Caltrux! Our cover story features in-depth interviews with Mark Doughty, PrePass Safety Alliance, and Chris Murray, PrePass. They have lots to say about their shared vision since

Rhode Warrior Issue 2, 2023 ~ “?”

“This edition of Rhode Warrior is dedicated to bringing you information on this volatile and contentious matter [of the race toward zero-emission trucks] – some subjective and some objective. The cover design is quite deliberate – a nebulous and vast

Celebrating 50 Years with M&W Logistics Group

Celebrating 50 Years with M&W Logistics Group, headquartered in Nashville, Tenn., a proudly family-founded, family-owned trucking company. Read their story in the newest edition of Tennessee Trucking News, being delivered to the desks of transportation professionals throughout Tennessee and beyond.

Milepost’s Third Quarter 2023 Edition

What’s your succession plan? In the hectic day-to-day of one of the nation’s industry backbones, it’s easy to postpone planning for the future. But in an industry comprised of predominantly small businesses (some 91%*), and many of them family-owned, it’s

Florida Trucking Wins Big Re: Tort Reform

The rock star leadership team at Florida Trucking Association strikes again with a huge tort reform victory for trucking! FTA’s President & CEO Alix Miller is quick to caution that this isn’t “over” and the industry must remain a vigilant.

High Times in Maryland?

The newest edition of MMTA’s statewide magazine Behind the Wheel includes a terrific analytical feature on the current legalization of marijuana in many states and its impact on the industry for company owners, safety directors, and drivers alike. Also covered

Devine Celebrates 100 Years, Vellutini at the Helm

This beautiful smiling face belongs to a woman possessed with boundless, optimistic energy! Karen Vellutini is our featured profile on the cover of our newest edition of CTA’s statewide magazine, Caltrux! Vellutini has been with Devine Intermodal more than 20

Milepost’s summer edition coming soon…

The summer edition of TANY’s great-looking magazine Milepost will be direct-mailed to our more than 10,000 readers throughout New York and beyond in a few short days! Milepost isn’t just great-looking—It’s also jam-packed with relevant and informative editorial analysis on

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